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N Rehman Monday, October 19, 2015 08:37 PM

Fia act 1974
[QUOTE=Monk;873413]Both. Memorise and understand it[/QUOTE]

Does we have to memorise and understand all the schedules of via., almost 96 schedules.

N Rehman Monday, October 19, 2015 08:38 PM


Monk Monday, October 19, 2015 08:45 PM

[QUOTE=N Rehman;873547]Dear.

Does we have to memorise and understand all the schedules of via., almost 96 schedules.[/QUOTE]

I was referring to material shared in this thread except FIA act

N Rehman Monday, October 19, 2015 08:57 PM

[QUOTE=Monk;873554]I was referring to material shared in this thread except FIA act[/QUOTE]
I really appreciate your efforts for this thread. Plz share some guidelines for FIA AC MCQS by asking your seniors and sharing here.

Monk Monday, October 19, 2015 09:13 PM

[QUOTE=N Rehman;873563]I really appreciate your efforts for this thread. Plz share some guidelines for FIA AC MCQS by asking your seniors and sharing here.[/QUOTE]

Will share MCQ when I'll read that Act. Haven't started reading yet

Aadil Khan Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:26 PM

[QUOTE=Monk;873568]Will share MCQ when I'll read that Act. Haven't started reading yet[/QUOTE]
Respected Brother...!!! I have a query related about FPSC objective portion.

Query is, what should we opt while answering questions like below;

Afghanistan gained freedom in which year?
A) 1920
B) 1922
C) 1924
D) None of the above

Now in above question, exact answer is "19 August 1919", So we should tick option "D", as its "None of the above", because exact answer is " 19 August 1919" which is not mentioned or should we go for opting option "A", which is " 1920", because it's closest to "1919"????

Kindly guide me in this regards.... I'll be obliged

replyjadoon Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:44 PM

[QUOTE=Aadil Khan;873753]Respected Brother...!!! I have a query related about FPSC objective portion.

Query is, what should we opt while answering questions like below;

Afghanistan gained freedom in which year?
A) 1920
B) 1922
C) 1924
D) None of the above

Now in above question, exact answer is "19 August 1919", So we should tick option "D", as its "None of the above", because exact answer is " 19 August 1919" which is not mentioned or should we go for opting option "A", which is " 1920", because it's closest to "1919"????

Kindly guide me in this regards.... I'll be obliged[/QUOTE]
Option D is the right one,even a difference of single day counts in MCQs

Sent from my QMobile V4 using Tapatalk

mehsud52 Tuesday, October 20, 2015 09:32 PM

Appreciate you brother

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

Maroon Beret Friday, October 23, 2015 04:36 PM

They have not asked for physical standards in advertisement, as it is written along with other Inspector like jobs but they have not asked for AD investigation post.
Do you think that these chaps will ask it before interview?
If yes, from where to get that and what will be the level of fitness? It would be same as for inspectors?

Valar Morghulis Wednesday, October 28, 2015 12:59 PM

Kudos for the contribution.
Some correction buddy.
US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan [B]Daniel F. Feldman

The Most populous city in the world is [B]Tokyo[/B]

04:56 PM (GMT +5)

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